Cylinders Used To Transport And Store Acetylene

Norris Cylinder Acetylene Cylinders
Norris Cylinder Acetylene Cylinders from


Acetylene is a highly flammable gas commonly used in various industries, such as metal fabrication, welding, and cutting. To ensure the safe transportation and storage of acetylene, specialized cylinders are used. These cylinders are designed to withstand the unique properties of acetylene and prevent any potential hazards.

Properties of Acetylene

Acetylene is a colorless and highly unstable gas. It is highly flammable and can form explosive mixtures with air. Due to its unstable nature, acetylene requires careful handling and storage. It is also lighter than air, which means it can easily disperse into the atmosphere if not properly contained.

The Importance of Specialized Cylinders

Regular cylinders used for other gases are not suitable for storing acetylene due to its unique properties. Acetylene cylinders are specially designed with features that prevent decomposition and explosion risks. These cylinders are constructed using materials capable of withstanding the high pressures generated by acetylene.

Cylinder Design

Acetylene cylinders are typically made of steel and have a porous mass inside that holds a solvent. Acetone is commonly used as the solvent as it can stabilize acetylene by dissolving it. The mass of porous material ensures that the acetylene is evenly distributed and does not accumulate in one area, reducing the risk of decomposition.

Valve System

The valve system of acetylene cylinders is designed to prevent the possibility of backflow and minimize the chances of ignition. The valve has a fusible plug that melts if the temperature exceeds the safe limit, releasing the gas and preventing the cylinder from exploding. This safety feature is crucial in preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of workers.

Transportation of Acetylene Cylinders

When transporting acetylene cylinders, it is important to follow specific regulations to ensure safety. Cylinders should always be secured in an upright position to prevent any leakage or damage. They should be placed in well-ventilated areas, away from any potential sources of ignition.

Storage of Acetylene Cylinders

When storing acetylene cylinders, it is vital to keep them in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. They should be stored away from flammable materials and heat sources. Cylinders should always be stored in an upright position and protected from any potential physical damage.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Acetylene cylinders require regular inspections and maintenance to ensure their integrity. These inspections should be carried out by trained professionals who can identify any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Regular maintenance and proper handling of cylinders are crucial for the safe use of acetylene.


Specialized cylinders are essential for the transportation and storage of acetylene due to its unique properties. These cylinders are designed to prevent hazards and ensure the safe use of acetylene in various industries. By following proper handling, transportation, and storage procedures, the risks associated with acetylene can be effectively minimized.