Acetylene Torch: How To Use

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Acetylene Torch: How to Use


Welcome to our guide on how to use an acetylene torch! In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps of safely operating this powerful tool. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional, understanding how to use an acetylene torch is essential for various applications, including welding, cutting, and brazing.

What is an Acetylene Torch?

An acetylene torch, also known as an oxy-acetylene torch, is a versatile tool that combines oxygen and acetylene gas to produce an intense flame for various metalworking tasks. It consists of a handle, regulators, hoses, and interchangeable tips for different applications.

Step 1: Safety Precautions

Before using an acetylene torch, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Make sure you are wearing appropriate protective gear, including safety glasses, gloves, and flame-resistant clothing. Ensure that your workspace is well-ventilated and free from flammable materials.

Step 2: Assembling the Torch

Start by attaching the regulators to the oxygen and acetylene tanks. Ensure that they are tightly secured and the valves on the tanks are closed. Connect the hoses to the regulators and check for any leaks by applying a soapy water solution to the connections. If bubbles appear, tighten the connections further.

Step 3: Lighting the Torch

Open the acetylene valve on the torch handle slightly and use a spark igniter to ignite the gas. Adjust the acetylene valve until you achieve a neutral flame, which is characterized by a light blue inner cone surrounded by a darker outer flame. Avoid a flame that is too large or a hissing sound.

Step 4: Adjusting the Oxygen

Gradually open the oxygen valve while simultaneously reducing the acetylene flow until you achieve the desired flame temperature. The flame should be hot enough to melt the metal but not excessively so. Experiment with different settings to find the right balance.

Step 5: Using the Torch

With the flame properly adjusted, you can now begin your metalworking tasks. Whether you are welding, cutting, or brazing, remember to maintain a steady hand and move the torch in a controlled manner. Practice proper techniques and always follow safety guidelines.

Step 6: Shutting Down

After completing your work, close the oxygen valve first, followed by the acetylene valve. Allow the remaining gas in the hoses to burn off before turning off the torch completely. Disconnect the hoses from the regulators and close the tank valves tightly.


Using an acetylene torch requires proper knowledge and caution. By following these steps and prioritizing safety, you can effectively utilize this tool for various metalworking applications. Remember to practice regularly to improve your skills and always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific torch models.