Air Conditioner Freezing Up And Not Cooling: Troubleshooting Tips

Your Air Conditioner is Freezing Up? Gibbon Explains Why With 5 Reasons
Your Air Conditioner is Freezing Up? Gibbon Explains Why With 5 Reasons from


As the summer temperatures rise, a malfunctioning air conditioner can quickly become a nightmare. One common issue that homeowners face is when their air conditioner freezes up and stops cooling effectively. In this article, we will explore the possible causes behind this problem and provide you with some troubleshooting tips to get your AC back up and running efficiently.

Why Does an Air Conditioner Freeze Up?

There are several reasons why an air conditioner may freeze up. One common cause is a dirty air filter. When the filter is clogged with dirt and debris, it restricts the airflow, causing the evaporator coil to become too cold and freeze up. Another possible cause is low refrigerant levels. If there is a refrigerant leak or insufficient refrigerant charge, the evaporator coil may not have enough heat to absorb, resulting in freezing.

Insufficient Airflow

Insufficient airflow can also lead to an air conditioner freezing up. This can occur due to a faulty blower motor or a blocked or closed vent. When the airflow is restricted, the evaporator coil becomes too cold, causing condensation to freeze on its surface. Additionally, a dirty evaporator coil or blocked condenser unit can hinder heat transfer, leading to freezing.

Thermostat Issues

Problems with the thermostat can also contribute to an air conditioner freezing up. If the thermostat is set too low, it can cause the evaporator coil to become excessively cold, resulting in freezing. A malfunctioning thermostat sensor or faulty wiring can also lead to inaccurate temperature readings, leading to the same issue.

Troubleshooting Tips

Now that we have discussed the possible causes, let’s explore some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issue:

1. Check and Replace the Air Filter

Inspect the air filter and replace it if it is dirty or clogged. Aim to clean or replace the air filter every 1-2 months to maintain proper airflow and prevent freezing.

2. Ensure Sufficient Airflow

Check that all vents and registers are open and unblocked. Additionally, inspect the blower motor for any faults and have it repaired or replaced if necessary.

3. Clear Obstructions

Remove any debris or vegetation that may be blocking the condenser unit or obstructing the airflow around it. This will help improve heat transfer and prevent freezing.

4. Check Refrigerant Levels

If you suspect low refrigerant levels, it is best to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and fix any leaks and recharge the system if necessary.

5. Verify Thermostat Settings

Ensure that the thermostat is set to the correct temperature and mode. If you suspect thermostat issues, consider having it inspected and calibrated by a professional.


Air conditioner freezing up and not cooling can be a frustrating problem, especially during the hot summer months. By understanding the possible causes and following the troubleshooting tips mentioned in this article, you can hopefully resolve the issue and restore the cooling comfort in your home. If the problem persists, it is always recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified HVAC technician.