Air Conditioner Keeps Popping Breaker: Troubleshooting Tips

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As the temperature rises during the scorching summer months, we rely heavily on our air conditioners to keep us cool and comfortable. However, it can be incredibly frustrating when your air conditioner keeps popping the breaker, leaving you hot and bothered. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why this may be happening and provide you with some troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue.

1. Overloaded Circuit

One possible reason for your air conditioner repeatedly tripping the breaker is an overloaded circuit. If your air conditioner shares a circuit with other high-energy consuming appliances, such as a refrigerator or microwave, it can put excessive strain on the circuit and cause it to trip. Consider moving some of these appliances to different circuits or redistributing the load.

2. Dirty Air Filters

Clogged or dirty air filters can obstruct the airflow in your air conditioner, causing it to work harder and draw more power. This increased power demand can overload the circuit and trip the breaker. Regularly clean or replace your air filters to ensure optimal airflow and prevent unnecessary strain on the system.

3. Low Refrigerant Levels

If your air conditioner’s refrigerant levels are low, it can lead to inadequate cooling and increased energy consumption. When the system tries to compensate for the lack of refrigerant, it can put excessive strain on the circuit and trip the breaker. Contact a professional HVAC technician to check and replenish the refrigerant levels if necessary.

4. Faulty Wiring

Faulty or damaged wiring can cause electrical short circuits, leading to your air conditioner tripping the breaker. Inspect the wiring connections for any signs of fraying, loose connections, or exposed wires. If you notice any issues, it is recommended to call a licensed electrician to address the problem and ensure safe operation.

5. Improperly Sized Circuit Breaker

Another possible cause for your air conditioner repeatedly tripping the breaker is an improperly sized circuit breaker. If the breaker is too small for the electrical load of the air conditioner, it will trip frequently. Consult an electrician to assess the electrical requirements of your air conditioner and replace the breaker with the appropriate size if necessary.

6. Condenser Unit Issues

The condenser unit of your air conditioner plays a crucial role in extracting heat from the indoor air. If the condenser coils are dirty or blocked, it can hinder the heat transfer process, causing the system to work harder and draw more power. This increased power demand can trip the breaker. Regularly clean and maintain the condenser unit to ensure optimal performance.

7. High Ambient Temperatures

Extreme heat outside can put additional strain on your air conditioner, making it work harder to maintain the desired temperature indoors. This increased workload can overload the circuit and cause the breaker to trip. Consider using additional cooling methods, such as fans or shades, to reduce the strain on your air conditioner during exceptionally hot days.

8. Aging Equipment

Over time, air conditioners may become less efficient and require more power to operate. This increased power demand can overload the circuit and trip the breaker. If your air conditioner is old and inefficient, it may be worth considering an upgrade to a more energy-efficient model. Consult with a professional HVAC technician to determine the best course of action.

9. Electrical Panel Issues

If none of the above troubleshooting tips resolve the issue, there may be an underlying problem with your electrical panel. An outdated or faulty electrical panel can cause frequent breaker trips. In such cases, it is crucial to consult a licensed electrician to assess and address any panel-related issues.

10. Professional Assistance

If you have tried all the troubleshooting tips mentioned above and your air conditioner continues to trip the breaker, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. A qualified HVAC technician will have the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex issues, ensuring your air conditioner operates safely and efficiently.


If your air conditioner keeps popping the breaker, it is essential to identify and address the underlying cause to prevent further disruptions. By following the troubleshooting tips mentioned in this article, you can potentially resolve the issue and enjoy uninterrupted cooling during the hot summer months. Remember to prioritize safety and consult professionals whenever necessary for a thorough inspection and repair of your air conditioning system.