How Long To Fry Tofu In Air Fryer

Crispy Air Fryer Tofu [Oil Free] This Healthy Kitchen
Crispy Air Fryer Tofu [Oil Free] This Healthy Kitchen from


With the increasing popularity of air fryers, people are constantly looking for new and exciting recipes to try. One such recipe is frying tofu in an air fryer. Air frying tofu is a healthier alternative to deep frying, as it requires less oil and still results in a crispy and delicious dish. However, many people are unsure about the cooking time required to achieve the perfect texture. In this article, we will guide you through the process of frying tofu in an air fryer and provide you with the ideal cooking time for various tofu dishes.

Choosing the Right Tofu

Before we dive into the cooking process, it is essential to choose the right type of tofu. Firm or extra-firm tofu is ideal for air frying, as it holds its shape well and crisps up nicely. Silken or soft tofu is not recommended, as it tends to become mushy when air fried.

Preparing the Tofu

Begin by draining the tofu and pressing out any excess moisture. This can be done by placing the tofu block between two paper towels or kitchen towels and applying gentle pressure. Once the tofu is dry, cut it into bite-sized cubes or slices, depending on your preference.

Marinating the Tofu

To infuse the tofu with flavor, marinating is essential. You can create a simple marinade using soy sauce, garlic powder, ginger, and a touch of maple syrup for sweetness. Alternatively, you can experiment with different marinades to suit your taste. Allow the tofu to marinate for at least 15-30 minutes to let the flavors penetrate.

Cooking Time and Temperature

Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C) for about 5 minutes. While the air fryer is preheating, lightly coat the marinated tofu with cornstarch or a similar coating agent. This will help create a crispy outer layer. Place the tofu in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring that the pieces do not touch each other.

Cook the tofu for approximately 15-20 minutes, flipping halfway through the cooking time. The exact cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the tofu pieces and the desired level of crispiness. Keep a close eye on the tofu to prevent it from burning.

Checking for Doneness

To check if the tofu is cooked to perfection, look for a golden brown color and a crispy texture. The tofu should be firm and slightly puffed up. You can also insert a toothpick or fork into the tofu to ensure that it is cooked through. If it comes out easily and without any resistance, the tofu is ready.

Serving Suggestions

Once your tofu is perfectly air fried, you can serve it as a standalone dish or incorporate it into various recipes. Toss the tofu in your favorite stir-fry sauce, add it to a salad, or use it as a filling for wraps or tacos. The possibilities are endless!


Air frying tofu is a quick and easy way to enjoy a crispy and flavorful dish without the guilt of deep frying. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can achieve perfectly fried tofu in your air fryer. Remember to experiment with different marinades and seasonings to create a dish that suits your taste buds. So, go ahead and give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!