How To Clean Your Air Conditioner’s Outside Unit In 2023

Repairman Cleaning Outside Air Conditioner Unit Grill Stock Photo
Repairman Cleaning Outside Air Conditioner Unit Grill Stock Photo from


As the summer heat continues to rise, it is essential to keep your air conditioner functioning efficiently. One crucial aspect of air conditioner maintenance is cleaning the outside unit. Over time, dirt, debris, and other contaminants can accumulate on the unit’s fins, causing it to work harder and potentially leading to malfunctions. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean your air conditioner’s outside unit in 2023.

Gather Your Tools

Before you begin cleaning, gather the necessary tools. You will need a garden hose with a spray nozzle, a soft brush or fin comb, a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, a screwdriver, and a clean cloth or towel.

Turn Off the Power

Prior to cleaning, it is crucial to turn off the power to your air conditioner. Locate the circuit breaker that controls the unit and switch it off to ensure your safety.

Remove Debris

Start by removing any debris from the surrounding area of the outside unit. This includes leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and any other items that may have accumulated. Use a gloved hand or a small brush to gently remove the debris.

Clean the Fins

After clearing the area, it’s time to clean the fins. Take your garden hose with the spray nozzle and set it to a gentle stream. Position yourself at a 45-degree angle to the fins and spray the water from the inside out, removing any dirt or debris stuck between them.

Use a Brush or Fin Comb

If the fins are particularly dirty or clogged, you may need to use a soft brush or fin comb to gently clean them. Move the brush or comb in an up-and-down motion, being careful not to bend the fins. This will help dislodge any stubborn dirt or debris.

Vacuum the Fins

Once you have removed the larger debris, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to further clean the fins. Carefully run the brush attachment along the fins, ensuring that all remaining dirt and dust are removed.

Inspect the Coil

After cleaning the fins, take a moment to inspect the coil for any signs of damage or excessive dirt. If you notice any bent fins or heavy dirt buildup, it may be necessary to contact a professional for further assistance.

Wipe Down the Unit

Using a clean cloth or towel, wipe down the outside unit to remove any remaining dirt or moisture. Pay attention to the fan blades, as they can accumulate dirt and affect the unit’s performance.

Reassemble and Restore Power

Once the unit is clean and dry, reassemble any removed parts and restore power by switching on the circuit breaker. Your air conditioner is now ready to provide you with cool and refreshing air throughout the summer!


Cleaning your air conditioner’s outside unit is a crucial step in maintaining its efficiency and prolonging its lifespan. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your unit remains in optimal condition, providing you with optimal cooling even during the hottest days of the year in 2023.