Using Window Air Conditioner When Smoky Outside

What to do when it's smoky outside
What to do when it's smoky outside from

Using Window Air Conditioner When Smoky Outside


In the year 2023, with increasing environmental concerns, smoky conditions have become more frequent in certain areas. This can pose health risks and discomfort for individuals, especially those with respiratory issues. In such situations, using a window air conditioner can provide relief and improve indoor air quality. This article will guide you on utilizing a window air conditioner effectively when the air outside is smoky.

Understanding Window Air Conditioners

A window air conditioner is a compact cooling unit that can be installed in a window or a specially designed opening in a wall. It cools the indoor air by removing heat and moisture, providing a comfortable environment. While its primary function is to cool the air, window air conditioners also play a crucial role in filtering and purifying the air.

Choosing the Right Window Air Conditioner

When selecting a window air conditioner, consider its cooling capacity, energy efficiency, and air filtration capabilities. Look for models with high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) ratings and advanced air filtration systems such as HEPA filters or activated carbon filters. These features are essential for maintaining clean and fresh indoor air during smoky conditions.

Optimizing Air Filtration

To maximize the air filtration efficiency of your window air conditioner, ensure that the unit’s filter is clean and in good condition. Regularly clean or replace the filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, consider upgrading to a higher-grade filter if it is compatible with your unit. HEPA filters are highly effective in capturing small particles, including smoke particles, and can significantly improve indoor air quality.

Sealing the Room

During smoky conditions, it is crucial to minimize the infiltration of outdoor air into your home. Close all windows and doors tightly, and seal any gaps or cracks that may allow smoke to enter. Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal the areas around windows and doors. This will help prevent smoke from entering the room and maintain a healthier indoor environment.

Operating the Window Air Conditioner

When using a window air conditioner during smoky conditions, set it to the “recirculate” or “recirculation” mode. This mode ensures that the unit continuously recirculates the indoor air, preventing outdoor air, including smoky air, from entering the space. Avoid using the “vent” or “fresh air” mode, as it will draw in outside air and potentially introduce smoke particles.

Keeping Windows and Blinds Closed

While running the window air conditioner, it is advisable to keep windows and blinds closed. This further reduces the chances of outdoor air and smoke entering your home. By creating a sealed environment, you can maintain a clean and comfortable indoor space, even when smoky conditions persist outside.

Additional Tips

1. Monitor Air Quality

Regularly check the air quality index (AQI) in your area. This will help you stay informed about the current outdoor conditions and make necessary adjustments to your indoor environment.

2. Use Air Purifiers

Consider supplementing your window air conditioner with portable air purifiers. These devices can further enhance air filtration and remove smoke particles from the indoor air.

3. Maintain Proper Ventilation

Once the smoky conditions improve, ensure proper ventilation by opening windows and allowing fresh air to circulate. This will help remove any residual smoke particles and freshen up the indoor environment.


Using a window air conditioner effectively when it is smoky outside can greatly improve indoor air quality and provide relief from the discomfort caused by smoky conditions. By selecting the right unit, optimizing air filtration, sealing the room, and following recommended operating practices, you can create a clean and comfortable indoor environment even when the air outside is smoky.